Saturday, January 31, 2009


I am no mood to write, yet, I feel as if I should be recording something.

Save. Me.

Terrible, is it not? I am lost, yet I know where I am. I am confused, yet I know what troubles me.

Save. Me.

Forever gone from my life, a complete fault of mine, yet I can do nothing to change it.

Save. Me.

I've got to get out, but it's not what I need. I'm stuck here, with no where to go.

Save. Me.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


What a wonderful game this is!

Ah, morning time once again. As the night recedes back against the horizon, a tremendous yawn is emitted from what looks like a strange, hunchbacked creature on two legs shuffling down a flight of stairs. Eyes barley open, the creature proceeds to use it's sense of touch to navigate it's habitat, occasionally colliding into the corner or outlying handle. Undettered, the creature continues its search.

After much shuffling of feet, seemingly random arm waving, and cursing of stubbed toes, she finds what she was looking for. A bag of coffee, obtained from no other than the business juggernaut that is Starbucks.

As the bleary fingers work through the familiar process that has long ago etched a groove into thousands of drinker's mental process, literally enabling the user to perform the motions nearly half asleep.

And yet, after a few sips, an amazing transformation occurs. The wonderously and famous bitter taste of coffee seems to have no effect, instead energizing the person, causing an interesting transformation to occur. No longer are the feet attached the the floor, where they swing evenly, rather than shuffle awkwardly; eyes are open, and somewhat bloodshot, yet still open!

It is, all in all, a wonderful invention. Until someone overdoses on that and goes batshit crazy, but hey.

There's always a downside.


I swore to myself I wouldn't make racist remarks in this post.

A delightful crescendo of noises, escalating from a single source. It seems impossible that a single instrument, despite how massive, could create a sound as varied and beautiful as it is now. The notes flow seamlessly from the piano, spiraling forever into the air, every note transferred from the fingertips to the keyboard, a tribute to those who played on this grand instrument before her, every note sounding out in perfect unision.

The pianist, lost in the moment of creation, sits at the the bench, a silent figure among the noises around her. The mute figure is a testament to the works in process, fingers working at the keyboard, slender fingers jumping from notes with a speed that would confound even the most astute of observers.

This is creation, pure and simple. They say God created the universe from nothing, but even that incredible feat is rivaled by the beautiful sounds of the piano. It is in that moment, at the climax of the piece, when the rich, dulcent tones surround the single member that consisted of the audience, if only for a second, when all noises but the rich tones of the music are blocked out, and everything in the world seems to be at a perfect harmony.

The music, so beautiful it was, seemed to make everything perfect for just a single moment, the final note sending out a wave of innocence and beauty throughout the world, making the world seem like a better place, if only for a second.

And then, it is lost. The reality returns with a crash, a crash of silence signaling the end of the piece. A roaring, deafining silence, one that fills such a void after the music is over.

Music is the epitome of human creation. Few scientists have created things as wonderfully satisfying as a wonderful, perfect piece of music.

Hey, I made through that entire post without referring to asian people.

Sunday, January 11, 2009


The afterlife is certainly one of the more interesting, and ultimately uninspired creation of the human imagination.

The purpose of life? To die. Humanity invented the afterlife, religion, and most things spiritual to cover up our lack of importance in the universe. Look at any ancient civilization, and nearly every one of them had, at one time or another, the belief that they were the center of the universe. This is a very common belief even today, with people acting, living, and believing as though they are indeed the center of the universe. On a grand, cosmos-esque scheme of things point of view, we are insignificant.

Ironic how everything we've created is a direct result from the fear of losing everything we have. We fear that all the hard work we perform on this earth will go to waste, so we imagine an afterlife that rewards us for all the sweat and effort put into doing things that we don't want to. T'is heaven, and since it didn't make sense to send those people who defy to do good deeds there as well, we send them to hell.

To describe death without any concept of an afterlife, however, is literally impossible. If there is no afterlife, than dying would be loss of every perception. Every adjective we have is linked to how we perceive the world around us, such as sights, feel, and sound, among others. You cannot even compare it to someone who has lost every sense in their body, as there is no mind, there is no thought. There isn't even a "nothing," as there is no conception of nothing.

Sometimes, I really scare myself.


As far as we know, the human body is made of nothing more than flesh and bone. Both of these are controlled by, or so the scientists say, electrical impulses in the brain.

Now, as far as I'm concerned, lightning bolts and such have never developed a complex personality. Thoughts must come from somewhere, and thoughts are more than mere whispers in the air. Thoughts have significance, the right thought in the right person potentially changing the world. They may not be tangible, but they can hold a person mesmerized.

Thus, leading me to do something I rarely do. In support of religion, god, and the supernatural, there must be something other than mere electricity inside of ourselves. It is impossible to express myself in such a way as to properly describe this, but anything that has self awareness, anything that has the ability to create such monumental testaments to our own humanity, there must be something else at play. Divine intervention is always something humanity as a whole turns to when there is no other explanation, the "get out of jail free" card if you will, and I find myself playing this card once again.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

A Voting Process

For the sake of ease of reading, any time I refer to "man" or "he," this also applies to females as well.

A leader is any man who is willing to take authority of a group of people. We fear leaders, and most of us fear to be a leader.
Failing by yourself is hard enough, yet to be the cause of a downfall among a body of people is perhaps the most frightening of any scenario. Guilt, a terrible emotion to be held to, is among the first of many emotions to assault the mind, causing doubt in future leadership opportunities, and to lose faith in oneself is to lose one's ability to act.

Yet, every so often, we come across an amazing person, one who stands against the rest. This is a man, that when standing in a crowded room, everyone else fades to the foreground. Shy people generally tend to blend in well with the background, but a man like this, no, shall stand out among the rest, giving cause to even the most courageous of men to pause.

This post made no sense.