Sunday, July 13, 2008

Humanity (on the other hand)

***Refer to post before this one. This is the same topic, just approaching it from a different angle***

Humans, on a whole, are inconsistent. It is impossible to brand us with any particular pattern or brand, unlike other animals. Inhumane can mean many things, depending on how one interprets it. If we define being "humane" as the ideal of humans, then yes, it is the dictionary definition.

However, if we defined things by the ideals that we hold, then we are merely covering up the truth with words that are, essentially, boosting the idea of humanity being perfect. Nay, humanity is far from perfect, but it is impossible to forget those who strive for perfection.

Yes, it is impossible to obtain perfection, as defining perfection would be difficult, due to the inconstancy of humans. However, striving for perfection in ones personal goals and ideals would lead us to this glamorous idea of "humanity". However, striving for perfection requires a herculean effort that can't be obtained by picking up a copy of Bettering Yourself in 30 days from your local bookstore.

It is possible to obtain this ideal of "humanity", because to be human is to make mistakes, so a perfect human would make mistakes as well.

From the perspective of an all powerful god, then it is impossible to be perfect. But to ourselves, to those we live with it, is possible to spiritually and mentally perfect.

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