Sunday, March 22, 2009


People aren't equal. 
Humans just can't accept the fact that some people are born better than others. I'm not a racist, but if Mike is a bit smarter than Larry, I would rather have Mike working for me, regardless of how hard each worked beforehand.

Sure, it's not fair, and due to my inherent selfishness, I would get annoyed if I felt I was "wronged," but in the grand scheme of things, nobody is equal.

Everyone, however, should be granted certain natural rights, but beyond that, everything else is a privelage.

In thinking this, I've noticed a distancing between myself as a person, and my intelletual self. When considering things such as this, it is as though I am viewing humanity from a distant planet, as a solitary alien observer. I no longer consider myself as an individual, and categorize myself as just another Homosapien. 

Some might argue that we each have distinct characteristics that seperate us from each other, but do we really? 
All of us have had years of experience between distinguishing, but when thrust into a new enviroment, this ability dissapears. Many people state that "All Asians look alike," while my parents will staunchly claim that "All Blacks look alike." They are, in short, not used to distinguishing the subtle differences between others of different nationalities. Physically, we are not individuall disalike, despite being able to seperate into significant races and groups.

Monday, March 9, 2009


I also feel that I need to state the following.

There is no mathematical, scientific, or any kind of backing other than logic, hopes, and creativity in most of these posts. 

These posts are here to 
1) Give myself a way of viewing the world in creative and different ways.
2) Give you, the reader, a different perspective on many things
3) Allow myself to think in ways that defy normal convention. Since I have little/no scientific background, I try to think in ways that are a bit fictional. 

In other words, they'll work great in a fiction novel, but probably won't fly with the scientists.

Just to let you know.

Favorite Pastimes

Are your memories really in the past? 

What is time? Untangle yourself from conventional thinking. Unfix your thinking, and think with me.
What happens in the "past" has already happened, correct? Yet, what happens in the past is merely what we remember, as it is what our minds feel important enough to process, digest, and present. 

Stare at the wall. How do you know, that at this exact instant, there aren't aliens crawling around on the wall? Your senses tell you so, but it is entirely possible that your eyes aren't processing the information to your brain because your brain has been trained to believe that aliens are nonexistant, thus impossible, thus rendering this information as irrelevant. First mathematical FACT of this blog: your brain processes 2,000 bytes a second, yet it is capable of 2,000,000,000 bytes a second. Something like that. I can't remember the exact numbers, but it was similar to that.

The past is nothing but a memory. We tell ourselves what has happened by what we have percieved, and thus it no longer becomes real, as it is what has happened in our own minds. I might percieve the past differently from you, thus making us process the past differently, giving two different realities. Because there cannot be two different realities, they must no longer be realities, and only different perceptions on realities. 

Now, conventional thinking tells us we get older as time goes on. However, time is an abstract concept. I personally feel that the passing of time is not so simple as to be able to confine it to clocks and lines. It is not, in fact, a river, but rather a sea. 

You also happen to be riding in a Yellow Submarine.

More on this later. 
Empty promises...

Decisions, Collisions.

Remove the human element. Imagine a time line, and everything moving forward through that time line. Now, things can move through dimensions. Take a step back, leap forward, lay down, or jump up, all these change your position in a physical plain. However, no matter what a person does, it is physically impossible to take a step backwards in time. 

Something I wrote a while ago. I wrote something about the subject, but after further thought, I expanded my hypothesis. 

Assume, for a minute, that what you percieve as the world is false. How do you know that the person in the room next to you is really there? How do you know that you aren't just a random thought floating in space, imagining all of this happening? There is no real way to tell for certain that the person next to you is really there. You could touch them on the arm, but your brain would tell you they're there. You could talk to them, but they might just be figments of your imagination. He, or she, is something you have created with your mind. Not entirely unplausible, if you consider the fact that everything you know is through your own perception.

Assume that you are the center of the universe. Less difficult for some than for others, but for the moment, that is what you are. Everything around you is what you've created with your mind, thus everything around you is merely a memory. 

What happened 5 minutes ago? Think back. Now, what tells you this really happened? Your memory tells you that you you wrote something down. Now, how do you know this really happened? Your memory informs you of what happened. What is recorded in your memory may not be entirely subjective. There may be millions of things that could have happened in the past 5 minutes, but you merely forgot about them. 
Going back, because you may merely be a formless and shapeless thought in space, there may be millions of instances where you remember what else could have happened. 

Confusing? I hardly get it myself. I don't accept it as any kind of hypothesis, as there is absolutely no scientific or mathematical background to nearly any of my thoughts, making most of this blog ramblings of an overcreative teenager, yet everything I write about is perfectly logically plausible. Your brain tells you what you want to know. Therefore, it may be tricking you into what is happening at this precise moment by percieving certain things.