Sunday, March 22, 2009


People aren't equal. 
Humans just can't accept the fact that some people are born better than others. I'm not a racist, but if Mike is a bit smarter than Larry, I would rather have Mike working for me, regardless of how hard each worked beforehand.

Sure, it's not fair, and due to my inherent selfishness, I would get annoyed if I felt I was "wronged," but in the grand scheme of things, nobody is equal.

Everyone, however, should be granted certain natural rights, but beyond that, everything else is a privelage.

In thinking this, I've noticed a distancing between myself as a person, and my intelletual self. When considering things such as this, it is as though I am viewing humanity from a distant planet, as a solitary alien observer. I no longer consider myself as an individual, and categorize myself as just another Homosapien. 

Some might argue that we each have distinct characteristics that seperate us from each other, but do we really? 
All of us have had years of experience between distinguishing, but when thrust into a new enviroment, this ability dissapears. Many people state that "All Asians look alike," while my parents will staunchly claim that "All Blacks look alike." They are, in short, not used to distinguishing the subtle differences between others of different nationalities. Physically, we are not individuall disalike, despite being able to seperate into significant races and groups.

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