Thursday, April 10, 2008

For perhaps the first time, I talk about my day.

Breaking from a pattern of just randomly posting, I decided to actually right a post explicitly about my day. Well, not today. The past week, seeing as it being spring break, this made it extremely uneventful, for the sole reason that everyone pretty much left on some exciting adventure in Grand Canyon or Canada or something.

Go figure, I guess that means that I'm left here by myself, with nobody but my 2 friends and my girlfriend.

Saturday - What a day, what a day. When I pretty much made it all official, and the first time we kissed. Other than that, I can't really remember what happened that day. All of it was just a blur.
Sunday - I went to visit my Grandma that day. It was pretty awesome, because she can actually walk. That particular hospital wing also shelters and serves the mentally incapable (fancy word for insane), so I had plenty of opportunity to chat with a women who thought she was somewhere in Brazil, talking to her mother.
But really, my Grandma was doing alot better, and that was cool
Monday - Everyone was gone by then, so I pretty much lay at home, playing Guitar Hero and doing my Chinese project. Rode my bike, talked on the phone
Tuesday - Erica came over today, and surprise surprise, she doesn't know how to play Guitar Hero! I totally thought she did, with her completely Scene haircut and white clothes.
Wednesday - Surprise visit with Ellie at English Springs Park. It is undoubtedly the most beautiful park in the area, and even more so when I'm with her. Oh, and the ducks. Have to love those ducks.
Thursday - That would be today. I saw Ellie again at the park, and for a short time at my house. Both settings were extremely nice to be with her.

And that sums up my week. Upon reflection, I find that writing randomly is much more entertaining than writing about my day. Therefore, this very well may be the last time I write about my day.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Silver Tounged

A person has once came up to me, and told me that the way I write is silver tounged

I reply now, only silver?

Monday, April 7, 2008


This post has no purpose other than to vent the creativity that has been building up inside of me.

Upon asking for a topic from a friend, I was asked to write about my philosophy for life. On this, I realized that I have no philosophy. Apparently, this is a quite amazing, and I need a philosophy on life. However, upon giving it some thought, I realized that I do have a philosophy in life.

Life is a bitch. Get over it.
Bad shit happens to Good people.

Nearly every philosophy relating to life eventually boils down to this. Many of the others try to masquerade it using wordplay, or adding some trivial detail, but the core of it is this. Indeed, I have found this to work out for nearly any situation.

Dropped some money? Fuck you life.

Lost a pet? Oh life, you bitch.

Why did this happen to me? Bad shit happens to good people.

The last is quite possibly the most important. Most people in denial never seem to grasp this concept. They always question, and they never find an answer. There is no answer. Bad things happen to good people. Bad things happen to bad people as well.

Shit happens. Whatever happens, happens. Mourn the loss for seconds. Embrace the fact that reflecting and crying doesn't bring things back. Bad shit. Good people.

Its how the world works, and its happened to many times to people that I know.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Not love

At a time like this, language is extremely constricting. A time when you need the word that would accurately describe the feeling you get when she's in your arms. A time when you need the word that could describe the moment that you kiss. A time when you need the word that describes the moment when she leaves, and you close the door, straining to catch one last glimpse of her back as she leaves, through the smallest of gaps in the door.

Feelings so unique, that any linguist trying to accurately use a word that would describe the complexity of such situations would end up with a severe migraine. Such feelings do not have names.

If there was such a word, every syllable in the word uttered by a person would linger on the lips, tasting of the finest of chocolates. Not any dime store Hersey bar, but confectionery, in stores where one does not do anything so crass as to buy things, but rather exchange hands through the process of commerce. It makes you picture the face that creates the feeling of lightness in the your heart, causing your heart to flit lightly in your chest. You feel the word as it travels down your body, causing every nerve ending on your body to both relax and tense up at the same time. It continues to linger in your body after she's gone, lurking behind every day tasks, and appearing once you let your mind relax. You see her, and it comes back stronger than ever, pushing its way to the front of all your thoughts, leaving you once again with this feeling

They call it love, but capturing this feeling is impossible with any word, in any language.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Lol Pies.

A rabid hunger claws at all your thoughts, distracting you from your task at hand. You throw your pen down, and storm off to the kitchen, ready for a snack. Raiding your pantry, you look at the measly selection in disgust. Oatmeal? Half empty jar of peanut butter? Two year old Raisin Bran? Disgusting. You slam the door in exasperation, stomach rumblings calling for you to find something soon. Desperately, you reach for the fridge door handle. You shift the gallon of milk over to the side, and peer over the yogurt containers, searching for anything that you might actually enjoy. Then, an apparition appears to you, lounging in the back of the fridge. You reverently lift the pie, in all its glory, out of its box, and onto its waiting plate. The perfectly cut peaches lie on a bed of flaky, golden crust, creating the picture of a dessert that makes a slice of Angel Cake look like something made by a few bored atheists. This, truly, must be the perfect dessert.

Hungry yet? Picture, if you will, this perfect dessert. Focus on its golden crust and the explosion of sweetness onto your taste buds. However, there are some who still manage to claim that there are other desserts better than this. A raging debate has taken place over such a subject, with dessert connoisseurs supporting both the cake and the pie (a few supported other minor, trivial desserts, but the sheer numbers on the cake and pie sides banded together and crushed them). Of course, anyone who does not suffer from some sort of disease afflicting the taste buds, the answer is obviously the far superior pie. Pie is more than just a dessert that we all enjoy. There are many more types of pies than types of cake, such as the meat pie. Some types of pie have even managed to work their way into being a symbol of America! Even the plain whipped cream pie has great comedic value in any half decent clown routine or 80’s cartoons.

The sheer variety pies have is unrivaled by any cake ever baked. Yes, there is both chocolate pie and cake, as well as a strawberry cake and pie. However, I am highly doubtful that there has ever been a chicken cake that has broken out into the market. A cake, you see, is dependent upon its sweet icing. Therefore, this limits the cake to only a sweeter variety of dessert. Now, a pie however, has the neutral crust, which complements both savory and sweet toppings equally well. Therefore, a chicken potpie will make an excellent entrée, unlike a chicken cake, which would not.

Much like the bald eagle, baseball, and faulty engineering, apple pie is a symbol of America. Picture this scene: an astonishingly jolly looking boy playing under the shade of a tree. His words are muffled, which is probably all the better, with all the words boys know these days. His father sits on the porch, reading the daily newspaper. The mother walks out, looking so cheerful that you would probably place her in some sort of cleaning commercial. She is holding a dessert of some sort. What is the dessert? An apple pie, of course! Apple pie can be found all across our nation, and can be enjoyed in nearly any half-decent diner. It is something associated with America, and something that is enjoyed by many Americans.

There are few foodstuffs where you would do anything to it, other than eat it or cook it. Pies, however, are a remarkable exception. Look back to old 80’s cartoons. Remember the black and white hilarity of the mouse and the cat? Didn’t many jokes rely somehow on the famous whipped cream pie? Yes, that they did. Pies play an integral part of many comic routines, from cartoons to clowns to game shows. Picture 4 clowns, just going through a routine. One jumps into a cannon, another throws whitewash at another, and one squirts the other with a fake flower. The next part of the routine is classic; pies everywhere. Yes, pie throwing is found in clown acts as well and usually with much hilarity and laughter of the crowds. Pies are not just a food, they are icons of comedy.

With so many qualities, you can see why pies are much more superior to the half-baked idea that is a cake, pun and all. There are enormous varieties of pies, from the delicious strawberry pie to a savory meat pie. They are icons for comedy, and a symbol for America. Its hard to imagine a world without pies. Now, if you would excuse me, I believe I hear an oven calling my name.