Saturday, May 3, 2008

Its that Racism.

I begin this post with an anecdote about this week. Those of you who attend Diamond Ranch High School in California should know this very well, and those who know people who go there probably have heard entirely different versions of the story, ranging from black kids jumping a mexican, mexicans jumping a black kid, asians actually getting in a fight, and in a theoretically possible story where all the Indian kids attacked the European kids.

In fact, it actually all began with a single shove. The actual details of the fight are somewhat sketchy, as I found out most of it from overexcited kids who explained the fight with an excess of energy, usually incorporating a wild swing into the air while talking. What I know for sure is that there were actually only two initial fighters, one black one mexican. After it started, people from both nationalities on both sides poured into help their friends, which resulted in even more people entering the fight.

On a side note, I recall an email sent out on the very same the day, the principal said to the parents saying that the fight was not racial, although I do think that when the black kid with who it initially began started yelling (and I quote directly) "Fuck ya'll Mexicans, I hate ya'll," really puts some doubt into this.

Yes, while what started may not have initially been racial, it escalated into something racial, into what it is now.

Continuing, the next day, tension were running high.
To explain what was happening, picture this. You have an overhead view of the school, and everybody has a sticker on their head.
White = Neutral
Red = Mexican supporter
Blue = Black Supporting

Now, what happens is that you will see groups of reds, and groups of blue, both standing in a place where they are far away from each other, but still enough to eyeball each other in the way that says "I gotch'u I gotch'u. Just wait until after school".

Now note, that I say supporter, not directly black and mexican. In the main groups, you can see lighter shades of blue, the kind that indicates that "I don't really want to go into anything, but I'll back them up if shit really starts to fly," or the lighter shade of a salmon pink, also designating the same thing. Within the main groups, about 70% were of this shade, although many would turn darker with prolonged exposure to darker colors.

Then, you would have the neutrals, those who know both sides. They feel "Why can't we all be friends?" There were many pockets of these scattered around everywhere. However, prolonged contact with darker colors would often fade into a lighter shade of whatever color they are with, into the aforementioned supporters, but not really into it. These made about 25% of the groups.

Now, this means that there are only 5% who really wanted to fight, but 5% of 1000 is still quite alot. So, of course, police came, and the rest everyone knows. Nothing happened, except for a huge scare about what might have happened, but never really did.

My, wasn't that long? Anyway, on with the main point. Racism.
Why? Its a basic human trait to hate. Hatred defines our species. Animals don't kill to be cruel, they kill to reproduce, to meet basic needs, but never just because they can. Torture is not inhumane. It is possible the most humane thing a person can do, as no animal would ever torture something.

It doesn't have to be just killing. We disrespect, we hurt feelings, we fear those who different. We say we're more intelligent, but are we really? Those who destroy things that we can't use, and hate those who we do not know? Are we really more intelligent than the animals we call "unevolved?" Is hatred the defining marks of an intelligent species?

Humans may have invented mercy and justice, but you can't have those without having coldness and crime.

We have had countless scientific breakthroughs and renaissance periods, but there has been no worldwide period of spiritual bettering. Yes, we may have removed slaves, but the hatred still remains. There are public speakers, leaders, and many more who work to end this, but how much effort do we actually put into it?

We cannot tell people how to think, or change their views, but its hardly right to stand and watch as people act out in hatred against others.

And for those who experience racism every day, all I say is this. Be the better person. Let them say things about you, because acting out only proves what they're trying to say about you. Why do people have to prove themselves to to others? Insulting a person who really hates you only escalates the hatred, and all it ends with is violence, and a continuation of the bitter feelings. Let them say it to you. It's not as if it actually hurts you.

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