Sunday, November 23, 2008

Claudia. Santi.

I don't have the foggiest idea what the second word means, but the first word refers to a, to say the very least, interesting girl at my school.

Recall that "interesting" is not synonymous for "bad".

Either way, this leaves me to ponder my recent lack of creativity. Sitting here, in my relatively uncomfortable sofa, the words do not appear to my fingers as they once did. Perhaps I have exhausted my entire reserve of ideas?

Am I one of those, who slowly harbor thoughts and ideas over a long period of time, and bury those deep into my subconscious, only to dig them up when the opportunity for a creative outlet appears?
Many type of people show this characteristic, such as old people, who lose some mental facilities after long periods of time, or the song writer for Linkin Park, who seems to have lost ceased all mental activity after finishing Meteora.

While I haven't lost any of my mental capactiy, and I certainly haven't became some sort of vegetable song writer leeching off the trust of my fans, but I certainly have seem to hit a mental block. Perhaps it just needs time.


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