Friday, December 12, 2008


Three posts in a row, my. Isn't someone creative?

The past is nothing but a memory, and a memory is not a thing that we can travel back to and re-live easily.
Humans live for the moment, and because the past is nothing more than a memory that cannot be accessed in any way other than our minds, we long for the past, no matter how impossible it is. The past is a refuge, where we know the ending to every sad story, and the answer to every problem. Where the moment can once again be re-lived by us, and thus, people often get stuck in the past, lingering where they shouldn't, longing for days long gone, never to come again.

True, certain things are understandable to linger in the past(I really shouldn't write that, I'm just enabling and rationalizing for myself.), yet, looking back at the past often causes you to crash blindly into the future.

Everything ends. Relationships always end with breaking up, or death. There is never an everlasting relationship, as it a single interaction shared between separate people, of which must always end. It is my advice then to enjoy what is to be had from a relationship while you are still able to enjoy it, as such enjoyment may never come once again.

Everything is a once in a lifetime opportunity; it just depends on how you take it.

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