Monday, December 29, 2008

Obligations to Fill

Vegetarian, n. Native American word for bad hunter

Religion could also be said to have stemmed from our overactive imaginations. Certainly when humans began living together and creating tools and using advanced methods to hunt and gather food imaginations were very useful. But as we advanced and found time and room to exercise our abstract thinking abilities beyond just sustenance, I believe we found a problem. We quickly found the truth that we are no more significant than the animals we hunted. This would cause a massive amount of cognitive dissonance in any individual.

Most individuals believe that they are significant and important. However, the truth of our reality is that we are insignificant. So in order to resolve these two conflicting ideas we have social structures like religion. Religion gives the life we lead in this reality a purpose and an ultimate goal. We delude ourselves into believing we are important and descended from an important being.

When faced with certain death it is hard to tell what people will think or do resolve the dissonance regarding death. Death is ultimately a bad state of being. It's an unknown place where you cannot return to the life you live here. Almost universally we do not want to die.

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