Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Truth Seeker and Soul Eater

A person has once asked me, why does God send such trials toward us?

The bible states that he has the power to be all beneficial, to rid of us of all sufferings, and if he did not, then what god would he be?

Yet he does not. He chooses to force us to suffer through these tribulations, and it is a quite common question to ask "Why?!"

A child, taken from the most sheltered of homes, when thrusted into the cold, cruel, and largely uncaring world, will likely be unprepared. Despite the fact that his upbringing was happy, and carefree, his childhood was far from perfect. We learn more from our mistakes, and we learn the most from these trials and tribulations. It can be taken, then, that God is merely giving us a proper "upbringing," spiritually and secularly.

Yet, this in itself raises a question that isn't heard as often as the other one. Wisdom seekers often find themselves satisfied with the above answer, never questioning the answer given.

When a child is forced to be put through discipline and tribulations, it is to teach him and prepare him for the adulthood that is to follow.

What is god preparing us for? If heaven is the wonderful land that it reputably is, then why must we prepare for entrance? Sheltered children have a more innocent and romantic view of the world, while the cynical children are those that have experienced troublesome times.

I am quick to doubt cynicism is a quality that is sought after in God's Kingdom of Heaven.

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