Sunday, March 30, 2008


A warranty on electronics states "We do not refund if it is damaged ... after 30 days...or by any act of god"

What if I'm atheist. If it gets destroyed by a rainstorm, it was not an act of god, but merely a change in high low pressures, creating a movement of thickly condensended water vapor over the area that I am standing it. Not an act of God.

I want my money back Apple.

Conspiracy Theories

Naturally, humans as a race love to blame things. Famous man gets murdered? I heard it was the CIA. Unexplained dissapearance? Aliens man, I swear I saw a saucer over there last night. A suprising, although not unpleasant, dream about some happy animals while singing a song about the porcupine? Lay off the crack man.

With the exception of the last, all the blame is on the unknown. Anything that holds a veil of secrecy tends to attact more attention than something that is pubically known.

Take, for example, Area 51. Government denial of its existence. Workers sworn to secrecy. High Security. A guard working that front gate that isn't eating donuts or sleeping. We don't know what they do, so we then center everything on them. If Area 51 admitted that they had aliens, I'm pretty sure the hype would die down in a week. People would start saying, "Aliens? Is that it?" and all the speculators would go away, simply because there is no longer anything to speculate about. Secrecy opens alot of possibilities. Is the secret cave an innocent bear den, or is it actually the lair of BEAR MAN, CRIME FIGHTING EXTRORDINAIRE! Does the secret safe contain something that is worth scaling 70 flights of stairs, crawling through 50 feet of sewage lines adnd dueling the demonic guard of the 4th dimension in a pokemon battle? Or is it just some worthless jewels and land grants?

Secrecy is hardly ever secret.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Desktop Bakcground

Nothing interesting today.
12:56 at night seems to disagree with my thinking and motor skills, as my stubbed toe will gladly show, but heres a little something for you people with boring desktops.

Sick ass background to have, it updates the map every 5 minutes, and and you can customize it so it shows how it looks

For best quality, I suggest turning the view to "Add Black Bars if Needed," close to minimum cloud coverage, and abundant city lights. Also, make sure you chage "Cloud Updates" to on.

It'll update automatically every 5 minutes, so you can watch as the darkness marches across the world, swallowing entire countriesin its slow progress across the world. Or you could just cover it up with an Internet browser, I don't really care.

Monday, March 24, 2008


My computer may be able to beat me in chess, but I can kick its ass in boxing.

Sunday, March 23, 2008


I have spent the past half hour thinking about a blog topic. I spent 10 minutes creating a blog about fear, then realized that it made no sense. Deletion was the only option. I spent some more time reflecting on human history, but then realized that it was completely boring and utter bullcrap. I placed it where all my other bad ideas went; into the retirement home of literature, where it will spend the rest of its days eating tapiaco pudding and arguing with all the other worn out ideas. Then, I remembered something that my english teacher once told me.

"Its not the first, second, or third idea thats exciting. Its the 17th idea."

Bull shit. No way in hell I'm thinking of another fifteen good ideas, only to trash them for the 17th. What makes seventeen a good number? Why not eighteen? So, I used my third idea, which was to write about my third idea.

Theres a damn reason why the 17th idea is the good one to. Because you were the only person who had enough damn time to actually go that far. Most others would have looked at the 5th idea, said "fuck this" and went for the A- that took half an hour, as opposed to the A+ that took three days.

Its not the idea, its the words. Any dumbass can write a good essay about an original idea. Give a master of writing an assignment about writing a story where the knight must save the princess, and they will tear down all cliches ever held about such fairy tales, and possibly make their own.

To do an common thing uncommonly well shows more skill than to do an uncommon thing commonly well.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I spent so much time thinking about it

Then, two nights ago, I realized that I should stop thinking and just do it.
So I asked her, and you know what? I think I made the right choice.

If I was the type of guy, I would totally write a poem about her right now, but I lack creative writing skills. Therefore, I'll just leave it at this.

Ellie, I've hardly known for you 2 and a half weeks, but damn, it sure has seem like a longer time. Just talking to you makes me feel happy.

Hope I see you soon.


Specifically, human evolution. What pushed us to the top of the food chain? I know many people who would likely say, despite much evidence to the contrary, that it was due to our intelligence.

Obviously, these same people have never spent a negligble amount of time on the internet.

What I believe, however, is not our intelligence, or our dashing good looks. Rather, I feel that our ability to get bored provided us with the ability to evolve rather quickly. Animals do not get bored. I have seen this in my dog, who appears completely satisifed in chasing it's own tail day after day.

Human boredom has led to many discoverys. Only a human with that much time on his hands would fly a kite during a thunder storm. Only a human would see what happens when you throw a rock at the sleeping behemoth (which upon awakening, will probably spend some time trying to line up its brain cells to figure out whether to trample you, or gouge you, before having the third cell wander away and think about the nice rock it found yesterday).

Boredom has pushed us to the top of the evolutionary ladder. Therefore, I think I should stop playing Guitar Hero, for the sole purpose of gaining an evolutionary advantage over my peers.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


I have never had a cause in life. I want to believe in something, but its quite hard to at most times. I would like to believe in a supreme God and join a religion, but I'd prefer a half hour talk with him before committing myself, to clear up a few points, such as the entire issue of "crush the heathens" and "smiting" and what not. Not that I have a problem with smiting, but it seems that people these days take it to seriously.

Then I tried to be an Atheist, but I don't have the type of strength of disbelief even for that. Also, I find the lack of something to blame disturbing. It takes a really strong atheist to say "Damn the supernatural entity of an outdated system of beliefs that doesn't apply to my life."

Then I tried believing in science, but thats pretty damn hard as well. The Universe, for example. All the words like "Chaos" and "Time" and "Quantum" that are thrown around as casually as we use "Book" or "Think" or "I." I've even found people whose job was to think about the Universe, and didn't even believe in it, and constantly doubted its existense with aformentioned words. They seemed quite proud of the fact that they don't know what it really is, or even if it exists.

I am, however, quite prepared to believe that my iPod seems to want to avoid me.

Dude, wheres my iPod

First off, lets get things straight. I did not lose my iPod. Everything else placed themselves misproperly, therefore making this not my fault.

I've tried everything, from carefully quartering the room and then searching every inch, to the frantic "throwing everything out of the way" approach. I've even attempted the method which every romantic cell in my being insisted would work, which consists of flopping down on a couch exasperated, and then letting my eyes casually fall to a place where they have to be.

Apparently, the universe does not know how these things should go.

This experience has really pushed me to be more organized, so that way, the next time I lose something, I know exactly where it should have been (Honestly, I put it there yesterday), and then proceed to destroy the order that I have carefully established, only to find it laughing at me on a nearby book shelf.

Honestly, the problem with being organized is that its insanely easy to lose things. You memorize where things should be, not where they actually are. Then, when you actually lose something, you spend the first 10 minutes searching a 5 foot square where it should be. When everything's disorganized, well, at least you didn't have to spend the time organizing it in the first place.

Monday, March 17, 2008


Me to.

Rant on Overrated Restaurants

Restaurants are overrated.

Seriously. For centuries, humans have relied on these types of places more than they need to. Why? First, we use supermarkets to buy food. So instead of actually hunting and gathering, we pay a store to pay a supplier to pay people to get your food for you. But at least you cooked it. Then some random person in China decided to make some place called Ma Yu Ching's Bucket Chicken House, according to Wikipedia. The most reliable source on the internet.

This Ma Yu Ching is a genius. Since that day in 1153 or whatever, people became lazy. Now, not only did people not find/kill their food, now, they buy it cooked! Or sometimes, they decide that cooking is overrated, thus you get badly cooked food! See, it's just a way for people to be lazy. Now, modern restaurants. It's all the same thing. You talk to someone who is either clueless or acts smart, order your food, eat it, and if you're at a place that doesn't have lots of lard, cardboard, and who knows what in the food (in other words, not fast food), you then have to tip!But more on that later. Let's talk about the food.

You know what? Overrated. That describes it. When you get your food, you don't know what's in it. You don't know if it's been cooked properly. Or if the employees wash their hands. I've seen people not wash their hands. I, of course, then tell the manager about this, as I am a germophobe...who eats fast food. Crazy, I know. But still, if you have ever been to Los Angeles County, you would know that we grade places. A-C. Below C, and the place may be shut down by the health department.For good reason! I mean, I once saw someone at McDonald's not wash his hands. I complained about it. A week later, it closed. Okay, that was for renovations, BUT IT STILL CLOSED! Oh, and I once found a piece of metal in a Krispy Kreme doughnut. Krispy Kreme denied that it came from a machine. I would have taken this further, but I was lazy. The place closed, though. Permanently.

You know what is really bad about the food? Sometimes, it is undercooked. Then you get outbreaks of food-borne illnesses. And hey, you also get things like fingers in chili. Damn it, I knew that fast food had human flesh in their food! But I remember another experience. An ant. In my food. Walking. All over my food. I, of course, complained. The people there, although in America, didn't speak American. Yet, I finally pointed out the ant, they didn't seem to care, but took the plate away anyway. Then, those jerks had the nerve to ask for a TIP!

I, of course, thought the service sucked, and gave no tip. Tipping is completely overrated...IN AMERICA! Because not many other places require tipping. See, when you go to eat out, you're forced to tip. Sometimes by the actual rules of the restaurant. 17% or whatever it is for parties above 8. Even if you're not forced to, you still have the obligation. If you don't, even if the service sucks, then you look like a total jerk who should burn in the pit of Hell for all eternity. Why?Because employers suck. They want to make 9001% profit, so they pay employees almost nothing. Thus, more cost on the consumer. From guilt. European and Australian employers know how to pay people. Hey, if you tip in those places, they know you're American. I'm cheap, I don't want to tip people. Why should I have to? Tipping is totally overrated. Make the employers pay the employees properly, not the customers.

Oh, and the service sucks. Once, I was at Denny's. I was basically pointed to where I was supposed to sit. Then I had to grab my own menu. Then I decided what I wanted. No waiter came by. I asked one just walking around. He was rude. Still didn't take my order. I walked out, and complained. Unfortunately, that place is STILL OPEN.

5 Facts about myself

Before I continue to pour my life story out upon you, I would like to list 5 facts about myself

1. I have enormous Dimples. They have been called huge, cute, weird, intense, and pretty damn cool, but nobody has ever got the fuck over them. Listen people, my facial deformity is not that strange, they're not something that I love to talk about at nearly every opportunity, as it usually happens.
2. I despise unreasoned opinions. I do not want to hear that "Bush sux cuz he is the dumb." That just makes me want to get some razor wire, push it through both my ears, and then proceed to floss with them.
3. It's pronounced Steven, not Stephan. It's alright for some people (Yes, you know who you are. Specifically, your name rhymes with Ellie), but only because they make the mistake because they think it sounds better. What I hate is the ignorant people who can't take half a second to read my name fully, and notice that there is an absense of an "A" or the letters "ie" at the end of it.
4. I am a full blood asian, so don't laugh and point, saying "Damn, why you being so Asian?"
Its what I am. Get over it.
5. Yes, I play football. No, I do not munch steriods or attempt to tackle anyone I see, nor do I feel the urge to Soulja Boy at any given time. I do enjoy Jazz occasionally.
6. I love to exceed expectations. Get an A++ when you can, and throw in a 6th bullet for a 5 bullet list.

First there was light, then there was...this.

I create this blog with the fact in mind that any second now, thousands of popup ads will appear, fataly crashing my computer.

So far, I've been lucky.

This is not my first blog, as many blogs have been made before in the hopes of actually recording my brilliant thoughts for future generations, but they tend to get lost somewhere between MySpace and AIM, and usually find their way into the back alley of the internet where creepy old men read people's blogs all day. Perhaps, this fate awaits this blog, but not yet! I gladly await to see what happens to this blog. Perhaps it will push me to stardom, being so unbelievably witty that people show all their friends to laugh at the loser who still posts blogs, or maybe I'll make the wrong comment about the wrong person, and be dragged off by the men in white suits into some suspiciously parked unmakred van.

Enough of that for now. This is my blog.
(How "Dramatic")