Sunday, March 23, 2008


I have spent the past half hour thinking about a blog topic. I spent 10 minutes creating a blog about fear, then realized that it made no sense. Deletion was the only option. I spent some more time reflecting on human history, but then realized that it was completely boring and utter bullcrap. I placed it where all my other bad ideas went; into the retirement home of literature, where it will spend the rest of its days eating tapiaco pudding and arguing with all the other worn out ideas. Then, I remembered something that my english teacher once told me.

"Its not the first, second, or third idea thats exciting. Its the 17th idea."

Bull shit. No way in hell I'm thinking of another fifteen good ideas, only to trash them for the 17th. What makes seventeen a good number? Why not eighteen? So, I used my third idea, which was to write about my third idea.

Theres a damn reason why the 17th idea is the good one to. Because you were the only person who had enough damn time to actually go that far. Most others would have looked at the 5th idea, said "fuck this" and went for the A- that took half an hour, as opposed to the A+ that took three days.

Its not the idea, its the words. Any dumbass can write a good essay about an original idea. Give a master of writing an assignment about writing a story where the knight must save the princess, and they will tear down all cliches ever held about such fairy tales, and possibly make their own.

To do an common thing uncommonly well shows more skill than to do an uncommon thing commonly well.

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