Monday, March 17, 2008

Rant on Overrated Restaurants

Restaurants are overrated.

Seriously. For centuries, humans have relied on these types of places more than they need to. Why? First, we use supermarkets to buy food. So instead of actually hunting and gathering, we pay a store to pay a supplier to pay people to get your food for you. But at least you cooked it. Then some random person in China decided to make some place called Ma Yu Ching's Bucket Chicken House, according to Wikipedia. The most reliable source on the internet.

This Ma Yu Ching is a genius. Since that day in 1153 or whatever, people became lazy. Now, not only did people not find/kill their food, now, they buy it cooked! Or sometimes, they decide that cooking is overrated, thus you get badly cooked food! See, it's just a way for people to be lazy. Now, modern restaurants. It's all the same thing. You talk to someone who is either clueless or acts smart, order your food, eat it, and if you're at a place that doesn't have lots of lard, cardboard, and who knows what in the food (in other words, not fast food), you then have to tip!But more on that later. Let's talk about the food.

You know what? Overrated. That describes it. When you get your food, you don't know what's in it. You don't know if it's been cooked properly. Or if the employees wash their hands. I've seen people not wash their hands. I, of course, then tell the manager about this, as I am a germophobe...who eats fast food. Crazy, I know. But still, if you have ever been to Los Angeles County, you would know that we grade places. A-C. Below C, and the place may be shut down by the health department.For good reason! I mean, I once saw someone at McDonald's not wash his hands. I complained about it. A week later, it closed. Okay, that was for renovations, BUT IT STILL CLOSED! Oh, and I once found a piece of metal in a Krispy Kreme doughnut. Krispy Kreme denied that it came from a machine. I would have taken this further, but I was lazy. The place closed, though. Permanently.

You know what is really bad about the food? Sometimes, it is undercooked. Then you get outbreaks of food-borne illnesses. And hey, you also get things like fingers in chili. Damn it, I knew that fast food had human flesh in their food! But I remember another experience. An ant. In my food. Walking. All over my food. I, of course, complained. The people there, although in America, didn't speak American. Yet, I finally pointed out the ant, they didn't seem to care, but took the plate away anyway. Then, those jerks had the nerve to ask for a TIP!

I, of course, thought the service sucked, and gave no tip. Tipping is completely overrated...IN AMERICA! Because not many other places require tipping. See, when you go to eat out, you're forced to tip. Sometimes by the actual rules of the restaurant. 17% or whatever it is for parties above 8. Even if you're not forced to, you still have the obligation. If you don't, even if the service sucks, then you look like a total jerk who should burn in the pit of Hell for all eternity. Why?Because employers suck. They want to make 9001% profit, so they pay employees almost nothing. Thus, more cost on the consumer. From guilt. European and Australian employers know how to pay people. Hey, if you tip in those places, they know you're American. I'm cheap, I don't want to tip people. Why should I have to? Tipping is totally overrated. Make the employers pay the employees properly, not the customers.

Oh, and the service sucks. Once, I was at Denny's. I was basically pointed to where I was supposed to sit. Then I had to grab my own menu. Then I decided what I wanted. No waiter came by. I asked one just walking around. He was rude. Still didn't take my order. I walked out, and complained. Unfortunately, that place is STILL OPEN.

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