Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Dude, wheres my iPod

First off, lets get things straight. I did not lose my iPod. Everything else placed themselves misproperly, therefore making this not my fault.

I've tried everything, from carefully quartering the room and then searching every inch, to the frantic "throwing everything out of the way" approach. I've even attempted the method which every romantic cell in my being insisted would work, which consists of flopping down on a couch exasperated, and then letting my eyes casually fall to a place where they have to be.

Apparently, the universe does not know how these things should go.

This experience has really pushed me to be more organized, so that way, the next time I lose something, I know exactly where it should have been (Honestly, I put it there yesterday), and then proceed to destroy the order that I have carefully established, only to find it laughing at me on a nearby book shelf.

Honestly, the problem with being organized is that its insanely easy to lose things. You memorize where things should be, not where they actually are. Then, when you actually lose something, you spend the first 10 minutes searching a 5 foot square where it should be. When everything's disorganized, well, at least you didn't have to spend the time organizing it in the first place.

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